Welcome to Street Purr Rescue, Rockhampton's only dedicated street cat rescue
Our mission is simple; To give a voice to our local street cats and to reduce stray numbers by providing quality care and compassion of through humane capture, rehabilitation, adoption and public education on responsible cat ownership. While also providing lifelong care and love for our senior feline friends.
Hi! I'm Mel.
I have been rescuing and rehabilitating street cats since 2015 and have had roughly 80 cats come through my doors. Moving to Rockhampton in 2021 I realised there was a large stray cat population and started to help the local rescues in humanely trapping and rehabilitating them. In 2024 I decided to start my own dedicated cat rescue to bring the street cats stories to the forefront and hopefully take off the pressure from other rescues, council and the RSPCA.
I don't receive government funding, so I rely extensively on the generous support from my followers and the public
Our vet details for donations are;
BSB: 084-901
ACCOUNT: 397 817 018
To arrange a meeting with a cat you are interested in;
Fill out the EOI / Adoption form. This form doesn't commit you to adopt unless you find the right fit.
I will contact you to schedule a meeting with your chosen pet.
If we both agree, the adoption can proceed. Payment of the adoption fee is required within seven (7) days before taking your new furry family member home.
Your pet’s vet certificates will be emailed to you two weeks later, unless you're picking them up directly from the vet.
If the adoption doesn't work out and our support hasn't resolved issues within two weeks, return the cat to Street Purr Rescue and receive a refunded adoption fee.
Our vet bank details for adoption fees;
BSB: 084-901
ACCOUNT: 397 817 018
Also consider supporting our patreon $13 a month gives you access to our daily livestream of our kitty sanctuary (still under construction), $16.50 a month gives you access to our livestream and a artwork created by a rescue kitty of your choice, $48.50 gives you a 45 min a month hang out session to our rescue (at a time that is suitable to you and me no children under 10 years old, session will be stopped if cats are stressed)